Our Services and products primarily comprises of the following:
Corporate/Secretarial Services
Our firm assists entrepreneurs, both from within the country and overseas, to set up various companies in Botswana. We also provide various secretarial functions such as;
- Acting as Company secretaries
- Filing of Annual Returns
- Change of Directors/shareholders/Addressees
- Keeping of Statutory registers.
Accounting Services
Accurate information about the business is one of the key point in any business. A good Accounting system can provide the management with information about the consistency of the business.
We provide the clients with the day to day accounting of the organization and produce management reports which will elaborate the areas that needs improvement. The clients will be able to analyze the report and make informed decisions.
We also provide historical accounting to know the actual profits an organization has been able to achieve in the previous year. We also assist clients with cash flow projections and projected income statements based on the information at our disposal.
Taxation Services
We customize tax services for our clients in order to add as much value as possible. We analyze clients business and advice on various tax implications.
Tax planning is undertaken with the clients as to make them aware of the future tax implications and tax savings. We also assist clients to the following
- TAX/VAT registration, TAX clearance
- Submission of individual and company tax returns.
- Monthly PAYE returns/WHT returns
- Submission of VAT returns
Advisory Services
A Proper financial advice is required to make an informed decision for any individual. Our advisory services include, but not limited to, the following;
- Acquisition of Business entities
- Succession Plan/Testament(Will)/Executors of Estate
- Property Acquisition
- Transfer duty
Consultancy Services
Our consultancy Services include the following;
- Feasibility Study and Project Report for medium and Large Ventures
- Availing of Finance through banks, CEDA etc.
- PPADB Registration
- License and Work /Residence permits